Communication. This is the hardest but most important part of any relationship.
  1. When you communicate what matters to you, you make decisions that align with your identity and core values. You begin to build a life that brings you happiness, meaning, and joy.
  2. It is important to learn nonverbal (Body Language) communication when dating. Nonverbal communication, often referred to as nonverbal behavior or body language, means transmitting information at the first meeting and during the date. This none spoke information is achieved through facial expressions, gestures, touching, physical movement, posture, body adornment (clothes, jewelry, hairstyle, tattoos, etc.), tone, timbre, and volume of an individual’s voice.  Whenever your observation of another person’s nonverbal behavior helps you understand that person’s feelings, intentions, or actions – or clarifies their spoken words. – then, you have successfully decoded and used this silent medium to enhance your relationship. A woman or man will tell you nonverbally if they’re interested in you past the initial meeting by their actions during the date, so pay close attention. However, make the date fun, interesting, and exciting. Be yourself and leave your representative at home.
  3. When you interact with others, try to understand and see things from their perspective, but you don’t have to agree. Be willing to listen first before speaking because most people will tell you who they are if you are willing to listen deeply for clarity. Communicating your desires in a dating relationship is very important, and it helps the other person make an informed decision if the two of you are aligned.
  4. Verbal Communication. Tone, reflection, volume, and actions are backed up by what is spoken. Although texting, instant messages, and chatting are ways to communicate, they beat talking on the telephone(cell), video chatting or talking in person. Miscommunication is often received via texting because tone and reflections are not heard in this type of nonverbal communication. The Chat and Video Dating Paid Features on our website can help you communicate better and avoid miscommunication.
  5. Practice Mindfulness in your communication with others; missed or harsh spoken words can cut to the core of some people. Be thoughtful, kind, and selective with the words spoken during your communication to cultivate a good relationship. Being mindful means bringing an attitude of openness, curiosity, and acceptance to the reality of whatever you are noticing during the communication exchange with others. It is also practicing and understanding the emotional intelligence of the person you are conversing with now.  Be Present, live a life of gratitude and self-honesty.


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Communication. This is the hardest but most important part of any relationship. When you communicate what matters to you, you make decisions that align with